Look at the website flow, and ensure the tutor do read all logs.
Good summaries on reading and suggest I take this to the rest of my reading, an overview about my thinking and connection with my learning from the book, and how this connects with other learning. It is about what the links are specific to my own developing of ideas and work. Also important to think of quotes from this reading (with complete reference), and keeping a Word document up to date with this would be very helpful for the final essay. The great suggestion here is this reading and writing become a space for thinking and refining learning – like the idea of slowness. I loved the idea that this was being kind to my future self.
Thinking about CARE to consider as good points to develop. Ideas about keeping a time-lapse with my outside site work (Involution) and seeing it as time-based. I feel happy that this space, in terms of making, is always unsure, but I would like to consider how much the work is about place and site specificity.
I take note of my way of working and being aware of this. My tutor suggested Gabriele Orozco and looking at the Working Tables. I enjoyed looking at the work and how the artist used accumulated objects and trials/experiments to understand his own creative process. I appreciate the reference and that it takes me to What, How and Why I am doing things.
I am reminded to notice when things happen: I will have ‘lightbulb’ moments. How do we know where I get ‘there’ – getting a loose sense – what is my sense of the outcome? How I allow things to run and still attempt to have a framework? I am at a tension between the ephemeral approach and or focus on having an outcome of sharing. I can look at the work of Julie Mehetru in terms of considering scale in my making. I will also look at the work of Daro Montag and how I connect to the soil, making and working with more than human. My tutor suggested listening to interviews with him.
My mapping tools should stay helpful to help me keep a record of research.
My everyday idea, currently a drawing practice and to look at Michel de Certeau’s ‘the practice of everyday life’.
Karen Stander