Artist practice to consider as suggested by curators: Laure Prouvost

The curators @ RASA are looking at hanging sculptures for Solo Studios based on the lessons from Prouvost's installations. We will use interactive workshops for making. I would like to add soundscapes to my work during this exhibition. Prouvost works with installation, sculpture, painting, textiles, sound, and moving images. Our...

Thoughts for making with Breath, Breeze and Winged Things

How will my nests connect with the theme of RASA (NGO art project where I work as a volunteer/facilitator) called Breath, Breathe and Winged Things during the Solo Studios exhibition planned for August 2024? The RASA exhibition will be curated by RASA founder and art curator Gerd Dierckx and Quientin...

Research Part Five: ASSIGNMENT 5 Endings and Beginnings

ASSIGNMENT 5 My extended written project has now been shared over time with my tutor as an annotated draft Word text. It becomes essential that my journey and progression during the course are clear. I must integrate my research materials, tutorials, peer interaction, an annotated draft text, and a contextual...

2nd Draft for Critical Review (Research)

2nd Draft of a critical review on “how theories around interconnectedness can open new ideas for making in contemporary art practice.”  Name of Essay: Concerning art and  human and non-human entanglements The essay was shared in Word with track/changes so my tutor could comment. 3rd Draft of  critical review on...