RESEARCH PART FOUR : Project 1: Refining your critical perspective

I am busy with my draft and will also use the blog to reflect on my progress in order to refine the research question (s) and developing longer pieces of text that articulate and support my position - the idea to get to a critical investigation. I am building up...

Christo and Jean Claude

“The Arc de Triomphe is taken away from our gaze and at the same time overexposed to our gaze. This subtraction and this overexposure lie at the core of the work. Thank you, Christo, for offering us the gift of looking in another way, in a new way, at masterpieces...


I looked at an article written by Graeme Sullivan, Research Acts in Art Practice (2006) What intrigued me is that he refers to a question arts-based researchers have: Can artistic forms be used as the basis for educational inquiry.? and What kind of research acts are characteristic of, and familiar...

Tim Ingold influence and to compare my argument and critically evaluate

These notes were important when I looked at Project 1 in terms of developing an argument or position. I read a pdf by Tim Ingold, Lines, a brief history (2007). In Chapter Two, I found a drawing by his father, C.T. Ingold, which shows Fungal mycelium. Ingold reminds us that...

PART THREE RESEARCH. PROJECT 4: Finalising your research question

I am referred back to the book, Critical Thinking Skills around how arguments are stated by considering questions to test their position. Looking for intentionality to persuade due to vested interest is essential. I would say that most views would have some form of biased in terms of political, cultural...