My Research Material which relates to Project 1 of PartThree in the course (last updated on 28 July 2023) This is a form of sorting and archiving the materials I work (collect, encounter, see, photograph, take sporeprint,make mushroom ink, paint, draw, write about). This is learning about the diversity of...
My tutor suggested I look at her work to research ideas into Alchemy. In my research of this artist, I learned that her work exists at the interstices of time, alchemy, and natural materials. It can also be seen as an event when these works are made, almost as Pollock’s...
My tutor suggested I look at this Cuban-born artist after reflecting on the ongoing nature of my making. She told me to look at Earthbound by Ana Mendieta as connection to explore further thinking about care and healing in my practice. Earthbound was an exhibition of 14 works shown in...
I want to link this work with my Assignment 3. I have now concluded that up to now, I have struggled to show how making in my artistic practice 'feeds off' concepts of thought and knowledge. I have concluded that my research needs to be framed within my practice. My...
Albert Oehlen (b. 1954) I enjoyed finding his interesting way of working and understanding that he uses impulse and eclecticism in his work, often starting with a set of rules or structural limitations and using his fingers, brushes, collage, and computers as his tools. Adrian Ghenie (b. 1977) I admire...