"In the art of enquiry, the conduct of thought goes along with and continually answers to, the fluxes and flows of the materials with which we work. These materials think in us as we think through them. (Ingold, 2013:6) Comments: Ingold writes that writing as a practice narrows the gap...
Methods I would think working with a site that anthropology and or life history research would be valuable. At this stage, I also think that taking the methodology of the Bricoloeur is an option as I will use a multi-method approach. I enjoy doing keyword research to consider other ideas....
MATTERS OF CARE: MARIA PUIG DE LA BELLACASA (2017) Considering and comparing my learning in this book with the work of artist Mierle Laderman Ukeles, whom I researched in UVC 2 and revised her work, Manifesto, 1969. She wrote Manifesto! Maintenance Art and a proposal for an exhibition titled Care...
I came upon this comment by artist Julie Mehretu on social media and think this is how I look at my research for making a body of work:”….that's what I'm interested in: the space in between, the moment of imagining what is possible and yet not knowing what that is."...