My Research Material which relates to Project 1 of PartThree in the course (last updated on 28 July 2023)
This is a form of sorting and archiving the materials I work (collect, encounter, see, photograph, take sporeprint,make mushroom ink, paint, draw, write about). This is learning about the diversity of the species to me. I started using an identifying app to help me identify mushrooms I find on my wanderings. I also follow some groups on social media to learn about local mushrooms. Most of the mushrooms I see are on my walks on the farm and/or in my local area here in the Riebeek Valley in South Africa. Sometimes friends share their findings or location, (photographs), and I can visit the mushroom site and collect, either as a photo or physical sample.
My list can be dated but does not indicate more than one encounter. Dates would tell the first sighting since using the app for identifying. Instead, I see this as a list showing mushrooms I have primarily seen in my area/place.
Alphabetic list of the common name
Almond Mushroom (Agaricus subrufescens)
Big sheath mushroom
Blusher (Amanita Novinupta)
Brown birch Bolete
Buttery Collybia
Button mushroom
California Agaricus
Common funnel
Common fieldcap
Dead man’s foot
Death Angel (Amanita ocreata)
Desert Shaggy mane
Dyer’s Polypore
Fairy ring mushroom
Fly Agaric (amanita muscaria (deadly poisonous)
Field bird’s net
Frayed Parasol
Gasteroid Agaricus
Hare’s foot inkcap (Coprinopsis lagopus
Hairy Curtain crust
Kind Alfred’s Cake
Lung Oyster Pleurotus pulmonarius
Meadow Puffball
Meadow Mushroom (Agaricus campestris
Mica Cap (Coprinellus) poisonous
Mustard yellow polypore
Oak mazegill
Oyster mushroom (in the wild and also grown at home for eating)
Pale brittlestem
Pine cone Amanita
Pink bonnet
Pleated inkcap (parasols plicatilis)
Poor man’s slippery jack
Readlead roundhead
Rosy Polypore/Conk
Scaly rustgill
Shaggy mane
Shaggy Parasol (Chlorophyllum rachodes)
Saffron milk cap
Sulphur tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare) a decomposer
Scaly rustgill
Scaly shield
Pungent slipper Jack (edible and cooked)
Redlead roundhead
Saffron Milkcap
Sordit blewit
Spring fieldcap
Thiers Lepidella
Violet crust
Western Jack-o’-lantern mushroom
Wolf’s Milk slime
White dapperling
Whooly Chanterelle
White fibercap
Yellow stainer (Agaricus xanthoder)