Exercise 4.1. Your initial work plan
the idea is that this plan will help me to develop my body of work, and this will include actions like planning so that I can organize my time and research. I think my plan will differ according to weather and seasons. It is now summer and time to work outside, do cyanotype printing and in situ making of 3d objects using founds materials.
I considered using a daily score or instructive like drawing, listening and walking as modes of daily attunement with my research and making. I do my drawing, which started on 22/11/2022 as instructive drawing. I draw the same object daily and commit to doing this for 30 days consecutively. I spend at least 10 to 20 minutes on this, the first thing I do/make when I enter my studio in the morning. I also committed on social media and shared these drawings daily on IG and Facebook. I immediately experienced that my making was linked to my thinking and would research new ideas around methods or using a score or instruction, as well as techniques to explore. This led me to discover other ideas about research, such as ideas about research-creation, as coined by Loveless. I am convinced that, as Loveless stated, this “is a geographically specific term that works in tandem with alternatives such as practice-based research, practice-led research, research-based practice, research-led practice, creative-praxis, arts-driven inquiry, arts-based research, and, increasingly, artistic research.”
Exploratory work:
I would think I have to look at suppliers for Cyanotype printing, different paper for printing, and bigger baths for the chemicals. I need to make negative prints for the spore print work I have made. I will continue to keep in contact with other artists in this field. I will continue to explore growing mushrooms inside as well as outside.
Developmental work:
I will work with drawing and mostly use charcoal and do paintings with oil paint. The idea is to work on a bigger scale and look at suitable support materials. I have enjoyed painting on wooden boards and will also explore aluminium sheets for layering. I have access to a local potter who sources his clay in our community; I can use his kiln for making moulds I envision using for growing mushrooms in sculptures or 3d objects. I have access to a local photographer who will help to convert my spore prints to negatives and print on a big scale. I will make Cyanotype prints as well as explore other methods of printing like mono print and using the geli pad.
I want to use video to share some of my work as I think the storyline about how fungi grow will be part of the final product.
I do like working with Plaster of Paris and clay in terms of making 3d work. I will also use Petri dishes and resin to make smaller works with fungi and lichen. I have acquired resin and can start soon. I see these work also as planning around the season, as it is now not the time to forage for mushrooms. I plan to make 3d works out of found objects. I can source bark, grass, hay, straw, mud, feathers, sticks, stones and rocks nearby as I live on a farm. Our dam is drying and I see this space as a places for temporary sculptures and exhibitions to explore space. The tow images below of space/place and objects inspire me to develop more work.

I am open to using new or different materials to create and will research sustainable materials I could source locally. I will look into using space here on our farmyard for installation work and performances (making 3d sculptures with found objects). I will need to invest in a tripod for my camera.
Final outcomes