This was a critical tutorial as I had to finalize the discussion around my planned exhibition of my BOW during the last week of October and plan to submit my work for assessment. I have to state that my recording app (Otter) did not work—we had an electric supply issue at home and no internet, so I went to a friend’s house in town, and somehow, Otter was not at the meeting’. I did not make notes during the discussion, and I hope I have covered this well in the words below.
Artist Statement
I appreciate the notes to change and thoughts around my writing. I agree I could still edit some repetitive sentences and value the suggestion to make it my own and maybe less ‘academic art talk’. It is about the viewer who will visit the exhibition and connecting on that level I must consider.
The Exhibition
The work will be exhibited in a rugged barn —connected to nature. I shared images of the planned buildings I want to use, but I have not had the opportunity to view/place my work inside the space to get an idea of how it will be displayed. We discussed the effect of focusing intensely on lighting, using shadow, and how the work will change in the environment. The suggestion is to take a minor work into the space well before the exhibition- to get the feel of the space and be aware of ‘how the work changes’ in this different space. The most important thing is now to ‘see’ the work in that space, and here I have the advantage of the time before the ‘show’ by putting it there and exploring the ‘best’ place. Documenting my learning log to show the assessors my thinking and planning is also essential. A lovely suggestion by my tutor was to have ‘one small’ nest in the ‘public’ reception space.

Documenting will also be done on the works, and images will be used during the exhibition and also to be sold. I will also use video documentation – considering the opening as an opportunity to have a short Zoom video chat with other students in my OCA EU group and share a walkabout with them. ( I have since received a very fair quote from a videographer in our village and booked the date with him)
The work will focus on the nests I made. I am inspired by how Asawa displayed her work in her homemaking groupings of the wired objects. We discussed the aesthetic of using display labels about the individual works next to these groupings or themes of works. (consider prices on these works as well?) I am also looking into the use of QR codes. Grouping display of the nests should again consider the experience of the weaver birds – how I have encountered them, my research around community, connectivity, boundaries and security. This is such a lovely idea to explore. We discuss the importance of how people will move around in the space: where will they ‘cross’ a boundary? How will I ‘direct’ this by the the way I place the work?
Marketing will be done with an image of a raffia nest I made. I will show only this image as an invitation to the exhibition. We discussed a printed booklet that can be used for publicity and given to visitors, where I share information about my practice and contact details. My tutor suggested a paper armband, something like a nest, but wearing it around your arm as an armband. (I am thinking of folding it in an origami shape.) or bookmark. Since this discussion, I have also considered making a folded nest/armband with printed info inside as it is folded/unfolded. I have the ‘services’ of a daughter-in-law who is a talented graphic designer and artist – we have started to work on the invitation and will shortly have more refined ideas. My event will focus on the ‘local’ community, and I will invite the local news media, write a press release to be used, and have a short conversation with the local radio station.
The discussion also included dates for sharing invitations and announcements about the exhibition. I will now take a two-week holiday break and will make the first announcement 8 weeks before the event, that is Friday, 13/09/2024.
Below is the wording I would like to use in the invitation. I am waiting on ideas for the design and layout. (I should change the invitation – a degree show?)

I have created an Excel spreadsheet with sheets for invitation lists, marketing plans with dates to consider when I share information and on which platform, etc. My website also needs some attention, and I have started to change it to have a more professional appearance and a direct link to the exhibition.
Planning for Assessment
I have started working on the next assignment, Part Four, and plan to share it with my tutor by Tuesday, November 5.
I plan to submit Part Five by 10 December 2024.
I commit to completing all work before 3 January 2025 and participating in the Spring Assessment event, with the submission deadline on 22/01/2025. My tutor agrees this will keep the momentum going and considers it doable. I am committed to staying within this timeline.